16. The effect and control devices are only allowed to be used
according to the defined applications. Only use fuels that have been
approved by the manufacturer.
17. The components of our firing system are to be covered or encased
against burn-off cinders or weather conditions where necessary.
Electrical contacts should be protected against corrosion, soiling
and damage plus they should be cleaned regularly.
18. We recommend to have our products inspected every one to two
years. Along with the testing of the rechargeable battery, a visual
test as well as a functional test will prove that the operational
safety standards are still met.
19. Do not use damaged equipment. If a damage is found, immediately
send the device back to the manufacturer for professional repair.
Our warranty for the proper function for our equipment is only for
components of our system, which have no damage.
20. Any changes in or to the devices as well as repair work on the
units other than that through the manufacturer will invalidate any
warranty claims and our product liability will be void. Should
repair of the units be necessary, then we do require a detailed
report of the problem.
21. Please make sure when lending or renting out the equipment, that
no damage has occurred during the rental period of the units. Advise
your staff, that it is very important to report any possible damage
of the units immediately. Customers, which have borrowed or rented
the equipment are hereby informed, that it is their duty to report
any damage found or suspected on the unit when returning such.
22. When transporting the devices make sure that the packing is
sufficient and check the devices after each transport if they have
been possibly damaged.
23. Wire connections from the control units to the G-Flame are
always to be insulated and must comply with the technical standards.
At the same time avoid wire damage, for example through heat, cable
twisting, cable pinching and burn-off cinders or through forced
piercing. All cables must be checked before each use on it's
faultless construction. When using used wires we do recommend a
continuity and short circuit test between each insulated connection
before using it again.
24. Avoid potential equalizing currents. Please note that these
currents can occur between conductive parts of a building or between
conductive parts of a building and earth potential. Due to that
control lines should not have electrical contact to conductive
structures or parts of a building. Potential equalizing currents on
the shielding of cables or on control lines can cause malfunction.