24.3.6. The menu item 'Terminal Programming'
According to the similarities between the G-Flame and the Galaxis Advanced receivers we also speak
of a Terminal programming when operating the G-Flame. Terminal programming means that several
firing cues are programmed to a specific output and different durations can be defined in doing so.
In principle the G-Flame is an Advanced receiver with a single output. Consequently user-defined
flame effects like various flame balls or flame columns can be generated again and again during a
Note: In this section the programming of the Terminal function in the menu of the G-Flame is
explained. Please note in this context that all these parameters can also be programmed remotely -
which is very convenient - by using either the controller PFC Advanced or any PC or notebook
computer via the wireless USB modem PFM Advanced (the latter is currently in preparation). Overview regarding the parameters of the Terminal
The following parameters can be programmed at the G-Flame for each firing cue (1...999):
Parameter name
Range of values
0.1 ... 25.0 seconds
0.1 seconds
Step Delay
0.00 ... 99.99 seconds
0.01 seconds = 10 ms
Atomic Effect
0.0 ... 0.7 seconds
0.1 seconds
The parameter 'Duration' determines how long the fuel valves will be opened. Shorter values for the
duration create flame balls, longer values create flame columns.
With the parameter 'Step Delay' time delays are programmed. By doing so the most extreme step
sequences can be achieved. The high resolution of only 10 ms enables the user to create extremely
fast step chases and dynamic changes in the stepping speed. The functionality is identical with the
receiver PFE Advanded 10/100 outputs and in the user manual of this device the application of the
step function is described in detail.
The parameter 'Atomic Effect' is a special effect. It is a delay of the electrical ignition which takes place
after the fuel valves have been opened. The longer this delay is the more unburned fuel is
accumulating above the burning chamber. In the moment of the ignition the amount of fuel in the air is
much higher and a nice flame ball similar to an atomic explosion with swirling turbulences is being
created. In this context you should be informed that the maximum delay for the atomic effect is 0.7
seconds. Furthermore the programmed duration must be at least 0.1 seconds longer than the atomic
effect delay. The firmware of the G-Flame and of the PFC Advanced prohibits that improper values are
programmed for these parameters.
Note: It can be also appealing to use the atomic effect in conjunction with flame columns which last
several seconds to enhance the impression of the whole effect. The selection menu of the Terminal programming
By activating 'Up' and 'Down' you may choose between the following options:
Keep up & Exit