Radio Range Test
The remote access functions of the controller PFC Advanced make very convenient radio range tests
possible because the signal strength of both devices (signal back and forth) are displayed at the
If you want to read the test result at the G-Flame or if you work with the transmitter PFS Profi the radio
range test can also be done the conventional way.
After starting the test procedure the G-Flames will for example display the following text:
Remaining Range:
This result means that the distance to the transmitter can be approximately
doubled until the signal will be too low. In general you should try to achieve
at least a signal level of 30%.
32. Remote access
If the device has been accessed remotely via the wireless link or the serial data cables one of the
following text messages will be displayed depending whether data is being read from the device or
data is being written to the memory of the G-Flame:
The device is transmitting while the controller or the wireless USB modem is
receiving data.
The controller or the wireless USB modem is transmitting data which is
written to the memory of the G-Flame.
If the radio channel is being changed by a remote command the new radio channel and the frequency
in MHz is being displayed:
RF Channel: 69
= 434.775 MHz
33. Charging
To charge the device connect it to the supplied charging unit and establish mains supply. The
charging unit comes with a universal voltage input and can therefore be operated worldwide. All you
might need are adapters for the different national standards of wall outlets.
If the accumulator needs a full charge 30h are required. The intelligent charging circuit switches to
trickle charge afterwards. The device should be charged continuously while being stored. This way it is
100% at your disposal all the time. Damages from overcharging can not occur.
The LED 'Charging' is active in green color while the battery is being charged.
Attention: Charging is only permitted if the device is standing evenly or it is laying on one of its sides.
Charging is not permitted if it is tilted by more than 90°.
Note: Charging the device continuously provides unlimited operation time.
Note: After an incomplete charging process the displayed accumulator capacity is slightly higher than
the actual one because the battery voltage has not normalized yet. To get realistic results after
charging you should wait for approx. 10 minutes.