heating boilers of other types. This advance has come about through the
direct transformation of electric energy to thermal energy in the heat-transfer
agent during the passage of electric current through the heat-transfer agent.
Under these conditions the ionization of the heat-transfer agent takes place.
The temperature and electrical conductance of the heat-transfer agent grow.
The strength of electric current passing from one electrode to another grows
too. The electrode boiler is brought to nominal power quickly.
The pressure of the heat-transfer agent on the boiler outlet comprises up to 1
atm. without usage of the circulation pump. This advance has come about
through the using of ionization chamber of small size which provides a sharp
heating of the heat-transfer agent and through the using of a standpipe which
is installed at a height of no less than 2 m. above the boiler. The “dy” value of
the standpipe depends on the power of the boiler. For example, for the boiler
the power of which is equal to 25 kW, the “dy” value of the standpipe should
be no less than 40 mm. A possibility of working without circulation pump
depends on the floor on which the heated space is located and on the
configuration of the heating system. Therefore our electrode boiler is at once
a heating device and a circulation pump. This results in considerable savings
of customer expenses.
The saving of power consumption ranges from 40% to 60%. This advance has
come about through the using of automatics which includes the “Navigator”,
“Istopnik 103” electronic temperature regulators, “Istopnik 203” electronic
programmable temperature regulator, “Galan GSM” cellular monitoring
system of the heating equipment, and electromechanical model of the
automatics. Also this advance has come about through the high performance
of the electrode boilers.
Simplicity of installation, compact size, and light weight. For example, the
weight of the boiler the power of which is equal to 6 kW comprises 1,1 kg,
and the weight of the boiler the power of which is equal to 25 kW comprises
5,7 kg.
It is possible to build our electrode boilers in earlier installed heating systems
(also as secondary reserve boilers by using parallel connection) under the
condition of obligatory performance of our recommendations (Fig. 3). The
power of the reserve boiler should correspond to the size of the heated space,
quality of the thermal protection, and volume of the heat-transfer agent in
the heating system (Table 1). In case of installing of the reserve boiler in
running heating system it is necessary to perform the following tasks:
To wash the heating system carefully by means of the “Galan-
Protektor” rust inhibitor;
To filter the heat-transfer agent;
To take measures for preventing ingress of contamination from the
heating system to the boiler and to install the filters.
It is necessary to replace some meters of the ingoing (into the boiler) and
outgoing (out of the boiler) plastic pipes with not zinc-coated (“black”) pipes.
It is possible to increase the power of the heating system repeatedly by using
parallel connection of number of the electric boilers. For example, the
connection of 8 boilers the power of which is equal to 25 kW increases the
total power of the heating system to 200 kW (Fig. 2).
It is forbidden to use electrode boilers:
For the “direct” water heating (the heating system is filled directly with water
which is taken from basin, well, water-well hole, water-supply line or river).
Our boilers are used only in the looped heating systems working without
extraction of hot water. The characteristics of water which is used as a heat-
transfer agent should meet the requirements specified in the boiler’s
Operation manual. Non-observance of these requirements results in the boiler
For “warm floors” construction. The temperatures required for the “warm
floors” construction are considerably lower than the optimal operating