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Do not sh
ut off gas supply with the burner
running. This is extremely dangerous.
Damage to the boiler/burner may occur.
This is always a manual reset safety.
To test this safety:
1. Slowly drain to the secondary cut-
off level. This must be above
the bottom of the lowest visible point in the sight glass. Once the
secondary level cut-off is tripped, a light on the panel will become
2. Do not push the manual reset button for the low water safety cut-off
at this time. Refill the boiler first.
3. Once boiler is refilled, turn the boiler ON switch. With the low water
cut-off light still illuminated, the burner should not turn on.
4. Push the low water reset button. Once this button is reset, the burner
should begin the pre-ignition process as long as all other safety
interlock devices are satisfied.
High Limit Pressure Switch
Perform the following to test:
1. With burner on and the boiler under pressure, lower the set pressure
on the switch until it trips and shuts down the burner. Be sure that the
pressure is the same as the boiler operating pressure.
2. To test the manual reset button, wait until the boiler has fully completed
the post purge phase. Once the boiler is in standby position, reset the
switch to the original set point.
3. Press the manual reset switch on the pressuretrol. This will ensure that the
manual reset switch is functioning correctly. The burner should not start
until the reset button is pressed.
Operating Pressure Limit Switch
Perform the following to test:
1. With the boiler under pressure, lower the set pressure on the switch until
it trips and shuts down the burner. Be sure that the pressure is the same as
the boiler operating pressure.
2. This switch is an auto reset. Reset the switch to the original set point. The
burner should turn back on automatically.
Flame Scanner
Perform the following to test:
1. Verify that the flame scanner is observing flame with the burner running
by confirming that a flame signal is present with a flame in the boiler.
2. Shut down the burner.