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Flame Programmer
Refer to cut sheets for pro
vided flame programmer.
Air Safety Switch
To test, perform the following:
1. Disconnect power to boiler.
2. Remove air supply from the air switch, and turn on the boiler.
3. Once the boiler is in the purge process, the safety interlock should appear
and shut down the burner.
4. Turn the burner off and reattach the air switch air supply.
5. Reset the flame programmer.
6. Set the Air Switch:
While the boiler is running on the lowest modulation rate (usually 0%
low fire), adjust air switch clockwise to raise the setpoint pressure and
counter-clockwise to lower the setpoint pressure.
Adjust clockwise until switch trips and locks boiler out on air pressure.
The air switch should be turned counter clockwise from the desired set
point 1-2 full turns.
Cycle the boiler multiple times to be sure that no nuisance fault occurs.
Air Filter Safety Switch
VSRT-9.5, 80-250:
To test, perform the following:
1. Disconnect power to boiler.
2. Remove air supply from the air switch, and turn on the boiler.
3. Once the boiler is in the purge process, the safety interlock should appear
and shut down the burner.
4. Turn the burner off and reattach the air switch air supply.
5. Reset the flame programmer.
6. Set the Air Switch:
While the boiler is running on the lowest modulation rate (usually 0%
low fire), adjust air switch clockwise to raise the setpoint pressure and
counter-clockwise to lower the setpoint pressure.
Adjust clockwise until switch trips and locks boiler out on air pressure.
This information is for reference purposes
only. Fulton Companies is not responsible
for this product, including (but not limited
to) its accuracy, reliability, and safety. No
Fulton document should substitute for full
review of documentation available from
the product manufacturer.