Viewing the Detailed Settings for a Job Menu .......................................... 206
Viewing the Detailed Settings for a Job Group ......................................... 211
Assigning Job Menus to Users Not Included in a Job Group .................... 212
4.19 Messages .................................................................................. 214
Chapter 5 Regular User Operations ....................................... 216
Loading Documents ................................................................. 217
5.1.1 How to Load Documents ........................................................................... 217
5.1.2 Loading Documents Using a Carrier Sheet............................................... 221
Using Touch Panel Windows: Regular User .......................... 224
5.2.1 [Main Menu] Window................................................................................. 224
5.2.2 [Job Menu] Window................................................................................... 225
5.2.3 Regular User Settings Overview ............................................................... 226
Logging in: Regular User Mode .............................................. 227
Sending the Scanned Data by e-Mail ...................................... 230
5.4.1 Selecting an e-Mail Target from the e-Mail Address Book ........................ 233
5.4.2 Adding an e-Mail Target to the e-Mail Address Book................................ 237
5.4.3 Editing an e-Mail Target in the e-Mail Address Book ................................ 241
5.4.4 Deleting an e-Mail Target from the e-Mail Address Book.......................... 243
Sending the Scanned Data by Fax .......................................... 244
5.5.1 Selecting a Fax Number from the Fax Number List .................................. 246