The BACnet object’s instance number. Enter a value between 0…4194302 (0x0…0x3FFFFE).
Function Code
The inverter function code (refer to section 4) that the BACnet object’s present value will access.
Data Type
Fixed to 16-bit Unsigned.
Specifies which bit(s) in the 16-bit value designated by the “Function Code” that the binary object will
map to. This mechanism allows up to 16 binary objects to be simultaneously assigned to one function
code (each binary object mapping to a single bit of that 16-bit word). It is possible to map binary objects
to multiple bits within the designated function code.
The effect of the “Bitmask” field when reading: When the present value property of a binary object is
read by a BACnet client, the bitmask is used to determine the active/inactive state of the object by
inspecting the value in the designated function code at the bit location(s) indicated in the bitmask. If all of
the bit locations at the designated function code are set, then the object’s state will be returned as
“active”. Else, the object’s state will be returned as “inactive”. This resultant state is reversed prior to
being placed on the network if the object’s “Polarity” is set to “Reverse”.
Active Text
Specifies the description of the object’s “active” state. Enter a string of up to 32 characters in length. This
field is optional and may be left blank.
Inactive Text
Specifies the description of the object’s “inactive” state. Enter a string of up to 32 characters in length.
This field is optional and may be left blank.
Indicates the relationship between the physical state of the object (as stored in the function code) and
the logical state represented by the object’s present value property. If the physical state is active high,
select “Normal” from this dropdown menu. If the physical state is active low, select “Reverse” from this
dropdown menu. For further detail, refer to the “Bitmask” behavioral description.
9.4.12 Binary Output Object Settings
Object Name
The name of the BACnet object. Enter a string of between 1 and 32 characters in length. All object
names must be unique within a node.
The BACnet object’s instance number. Enter a value between 0…4194302 (0x0…0x3FFFFE).
Function Code
The inverter function code (refer to section 4) that the BACnet object’s present value will access.
Data Type
Fixed at 16-Bit Unsigned.
Specifies which bit(s) in the 16-bit value designated by the “Function Code” that the binary object will
map to. This mechanism allows up to 16 binary objects to be simultaneously assigned to one function
code (each binary object mapping to a single bit of that 16-bit word). It is possible to map binary objects
to multiple bits within the designated function code.
The effect of the “Bitmask” field when writing: When the present value property of a binary object is set
to “active” by a BACnet client, then the bit(s) in the designated function code indicated by the bitmask
are set. Similarly, when the present value property of the object is set to “inactive”, then the bit(s) in the
designated function code indicated by the bitmask are cleared. This setting/clearing behavior is reversed
if the object’s “Polarity” is set to “Reverse”.