Section 4 High-speed Counter
Note: In the following cases, interrupt does not take place.
1) Till currently executed instruction (MOV, AND, etc.) is finished
2) Till currently executed interrupt program is finished
3) During program scan end processing
No interrupt takes place because in this period I/O data refreshing or self diagnosis is performed. Interrupt takes place
when scan end processing is completed.
4) When the match interrupt enable flag (%MX10.272.2) is set to “ON” (interrupt disable).
In this case, interrupt status is latched (held) internally, and the match occurrence flag (%MX10.274.0) is set to “ON”.
Interrupt latch is possible only for once. When interrupt is permitted, latch is cleared, and interrupt takes place.
To clear a latched interrupt while interrupt is disabled, set the match interrupt latch reset flag (%MX10.272.4) to “ON”. The
interrupt can also be cleared by setting the interrupt factor latch all reset flag (%MX10.268.15) to “ON”.
4-2 How to Use High-speed Counter