4.3.4 Data recording to SD memory card
(1) Types of recorded data
Recorded data is of three different types indicated below.
(1) Measured data: One logger file is composed of a configuration file and a data file.
Configuration file: Records logger start-up time and relevant logger data
Data file: Records logging data in a specific period produced by logger and
quick logger.
The data file is stored as divided by 65,500 lines for permitting
high-speed access and due to restrictions in the maximum number
of lines of CSV display of Microsoft Excel.
(2) Flow velocity plofile: Records flow velocity plofile data for an hour.
(3) Screen copy: Records screen display copy data
(2) File configuration
Recorded data is stored as files on an SD memory card.
The file configuration is such that a folder of site name is located just beneath the root folder and
the following data manipulated by the subject site name is stored beneath said folder.
A folder of site name is created at the time of registration of a site name described in “10.1.1
The recorded data is stored in the folder of the site name selected by site selection described in
“10.1.1 SITE MEMORY”.
(1) Measured data … Just beneath the folder of site name
Case of logger
• Configuration data file name of created logger: logging name_date_hour.ini
• Data file name of created logger: logging name_date_hour.csv
Case of logger
• Configuration data file name of created logger: QUICK_date_hour.ini
• Data file name of created logger: QUICK_date_hour.csv
A data file can be edited with Excel.
See “16.5.2 Measured data file” located toward the end of the volume for the recording
(2) Flow velocity distribution … Beneath VEL folder just beneath folder of site name
• Created flow velocity distribution data file name: Vel_date_hour.csv
A data file can be displayed using flow velocity distribution demonstrate function of PC
loader software.
See “16.5.3 Flow velocity distribution file” located toward the end of the volume for the
recording format.
(3) Screen copy …Beneath DISP folder just beneath folder of site name
• Created screen copy file name: DISP_date_hour.csv
Recording format: Windows Bitmap