Solution 4 - Check for and repair a faulty ground connection.
1. If you identify a faulty
ground connection.
2. Cut and strip the end of
the ground wire.
3. Twist the wire end.
4. Place a ring terminal
over the wire end.
5. Crimp firmly.
6. Remove a boiler
mounting nut and install
the ground wires ring
terminal to the bolt.
7. Replace the boiler
mount nut and tighten
The control board on the AV, or automatic models, as well as the auto-fill board on the EE or
semi-automatic models, each have step-down transformers that drop 220vac down to 24vac.
The voltage that has been dropped down is then passed through a rectifyer which converts the
AC voltage into DC voltage. AC voltage alternates it’s direction of flow, whereas DC voltage
flows in one specific direction, either towards positive (+), or towards negative (-). Without a
proper ground connection, the DC voltage has no reference point for 0 or neutral. This causes
sporatic behavior in DC componets such as the flowmeters which can cause erratic shot vol