Section 3 Questionnaire
1. What safety precaution should be adhered to before performing maintenance on any electrical
component, apart from taking voltage and amperage readings?
2. Which statement best describes the La Marzocco’s high voltage circuit operation?
A. Each high-volt component receives 0 volts while the machine is operational. When the
keypad or semi-automatic brew switch is activated, 110 volts flows to the
component to activate it.
B. Each high-volt component receives 110 volts while the machine is operational. When the
keypad or semi-automatic brew switch is activated, an additional 110 volts flows to
the component to activate it.
C. Each high-volt component receives 0 volts while the machine is operational. When the
keypad or semi-automatic brew switch is activated, 220 volts flows to the component
to activate it.
3. Explain how the coils on the solenoid valves open the valve to allow water to flow through the
4. What generation of electronics does the La Marzocco currently use? What is the major difference
between this generation of electronics and the electronics used in the past?
5. What component controls voltage to the coffee boiler’s heating element?
6. What component controls voltage to the steam boiler’s heating element?
7. There is a four-position terminal block behind, and to the right of each group, match the terminal
position with its proper definition. (Match the description on the left with the number on the
A. 110vac traveling to the contol box
B. 110vac traveling to the solenoid valve
C. 110vac traveling to the control box
D. 110vac traveling to the pump motor