Section 2 Questionnaire
1. What material are the machines tubes made from? What precaution should you take in working
with them?
2. What is the order of water flow while brewing in an AV machine?
A. Banjo tube, group, flowmeter, group valve, diffuser block.
B. Group, flowmeter, group valve, banjo tube, diffuser block.
C. Flowmeter, banjo tube, group, group valve, diffuser block.
D. Diffuser block, banjo tube, group valve, flowmeter, group.
3. Explain how the machine maintains the water level in the steam boiler.
4. What does the vacuum breaker do?
5. Why must the group valve be a 3-way valve?
6. What problem can cause damage to the machine’s entire hydraulic system?
7. What products are dispensed from the steam boiler?
8. When backflushing the machine, what specific areas of the hydraulic system are being cleaned?
9. Describe what kind of water should be fed to the espresso machine.