- 968 -
Selection Criteria
Source IP
- Enter the IP address of the multicast packet source to be combined with the Group IP to
fully identify a single route whose Mroute table entry you want to display or clear. You may leave this
field blank.
Group IP
- Enter the destination group IP address whose multicast route(s) you want to display or
Non-Configurable Data
Incoming Interface
- The incoming interface on which multicast packets for this source/group arrive.
Outgoing Interface(s)
- The list of outgoing interfaces on which multicast packets for this
source/group are forwarded.
Up Time
- The time in seconds since the entry was created.
Expiry Time
- The time in seconds before this entry will age out and be removed from the
RPF Neighbor
- The IP address of the Reverse Path Forwarding neighbor.
- The multicast routing protocol which created this entry. The possibilities are:
- The value displayed in this field is valid if the multicast routing protocol running is PIMSM.
The possible values are RPT or SPT. For other protocols a "------" is displayed.
Command Buttons
- Search the Mroute table for an entry matching the Source IP (if entered) and Group IP
- Refresh the information on the screen with the present state of the data in the router.