- 222 -
spanning-tree tcnguard
no spanning-tree tcnguard
no -
This command sets the tcnguard parameter to the default value, that is Disabled.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config
System Log Management Commands
Show Commands show logging
This command displays logging.
show logging
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Logging Client Local Port
The port on the collector/relay to which syslog messages are sent
CLI Command Logging
The mode for CLI command logging.
Console Logging
The mode for console logging.
Console Logging Severity Filter
The minimum severity to log to the console log. Messages with an
equal or lower numerical severity are logged.
Buffered Logging
The mode for buffered logging.
Syslog Logging
The mode for logging to configured syslog hosts. If set to disable logging stops to
all syslog hosts.
Terminal Monitor
The mode for terminal logging.