- 800 -
Hellos Sent
- The number of Hello packets sent on this interface by this router.
Hellos Received
- The number of Hello packets received on this interface by this router.
DD Packets Sent
- The number of Database Description packets sent on this interface by this
DD Packets Received
- The number of Database Description packets received on this interface by
this router.
LS Requests Sent
- The number of LS Requests sent on this interface by this router.
LS Requests Received
- The number of LS Requests received on this interface by this router.
LS Updates Sent
- The number of LS updates sent on this interface by this router.
LS Updates Received
- The number of LS updates received on this interface by this router.
LS Acknowledgements Sent
- The number of LS acknowledgements sent on this interface by this
LS Acknowledgements Received
- The number of LS acknowledgements received on this
interface by this router.
Command Buttons
- Refresh the data on the screen with the present state of the data in the switch. Configuring OSPF Interface