Digital proportional radio control system
1. Select a channel to assign
2. Select
[Stick or Knob
[Basic function]
[Channel output]
3. Depending on which selection you make
different options will be available. The next
choice will be controlled by the master controller.
4. Activate the function using the on/off icon
in the bottom left of the screen.
To give the slave control of the model the
SWE switch must be held down, as soon as
SWE is in the up position the master has full
This function allows you to connect 2 transmitters together using a dedicated cable connected to the back of
the FS-i10. The FS-i10 that enables the trainer function will become the master, and will be able to override the
other FS-i10. Usually this function is used by instructors to teach students how to fly, they can give the student
full control but can quickly step in if anything goes wrong.
The master can control up to 8 of the slaves channels and can select stick, knob, basic functions
(for example
aileron function)
, output channel or none.
6.23 Display Servos
This function displays the model’s channel output and can be used to test
output and servo range.
6.24 Spectrum Analyzer
6.22 Trainer Mode
Press the
icon and the servos will move slowly though their entire range.
Press the icon again to toggle the function.
Make sure the model engine is powered off while
the test function is activated. If powered on, it will
rev up and cause unexpected results
The spectral analyzer function is used to monitor other devices that are emitting radio signals and at what
frequency. This is useful as it is possible to find out if there is likely to be any interference from other sources
such as WIFI. Because it is only useful to know about frequencies that may interfere with the function of the
system, this function is limited to 2.4GHz to 2.48GHz.
From bottom to top of this graph is measured in dBm, which is a measurement of the
or strength