Energy Loss Calculator
To access the Energy Loss Meter screen:
A large number of measurements are available:
Arms, kW fund, kVA fund, kvar, kVA harm are shown per phase and in total.
kVA unb, kW R loss, kW var loss, kW unb loss, kW harm loss, kW An loss, kW tot
loss are shown in total.
kWh R loss, kWh var loss, kWh harm loss, kWh unb loss, kWh An loss, kWh tot loss
are shown in total.
kcost R, kcost var, kcost unb, kcost harm, kcost An, kcost tot are shown in total.
kWh forw and kWh rev are shown per phase and in total.
Abbreviations that are used:
Fund indicates that fundamental frequency is used; in all other cases the full spectrum
is used.
kW or W is the power.
Wh or kWh is the energy used.
R indicates loss due to conductor resistance.
var indicates loss due to reactive power.
unb indicates loss due to sytem unbalance.
harm indicates loss due to harmonics.
An indicates loss due to current in the Neutral conductor.
kWh forward is the energy taken from the distribution network; kWh reverse is the
energy supplied to the distribution network.
The figures in the Meter screen are instantaneous values that update constantly. The trend
of these values over time is visible in a Trend screen.
Also a Events table is available.
Available function keys:
Up/down arrow keys are assigned to scroll Meter screen.
Return to Energy Loss Calculator screen.
Access to Trend screen.
Access to Events table.
Switch between HOLD and RUN of screen update.
Switching from HOLD to RUN invokes a menu to select
immediate (NOW) or TIMED start time which allows you
to define start and duration of the measurement.