Chapter 27
Models Concerned
Fluke 434-II: Energy Analyzer
Fluke 435-II: Power Quality and Energy Analyzer
Fluke 437-II: Power Quality and Energy Analyzer 400 Hz.
Performance Characteristics
Fluke guarantees the properties expressed in numerical values within the tolerances
stated. Numerical values without tolerances are typical and represent the characteristics
of an average instrument excluding accessories. The Analyzer meets the specified
accuracy 30 minutes and two complete acquisitions after power-on. All operational
specifications are valid under the restrictions mentioned in section ‘Environmental’
unless otherwise specified.
Specifications are based on a one year calibration cycle.
Environmental Data
The environmental data mentioned in this manual are based on the results of the
manufacturer’s verification procedures.
Safety Characteristics
The Analyzer has been designed and tested in accordance with standard EN61010-1 2
edition (2001), Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurements Control
and Laboratory Use for Class III Pollution Degree 2 instruments.
This manual contains information and warnings that must be followed by the user to
ensure safe operation and to keep the Analyzer and its accessories in a safe condition.
Use of this Analyzer and its accessories in a manner not specified by the manufacturer
may impair the protection provided by the equipment.