Setting up the Analyzer
Press the SETUP key and next Function key F4 – MANUAL SETUP to
reach the MANUAL SETUP screen.
Use the up/down arrow keys to select one of the parameters listed
below and then press ENTER to access the setup menu:
- Date, Time: use the arrow keys to select date, time, and date format.
Press ENTER to confirm the selected date format. With a GPS receiver
connected and F2 set to GPS ON, date and time are synchronized
automatically. Time zone and daylight saving ON/OFF can also be set.
Press F1 to access the GPS test menu that informs you about reception
quality. Press Function key F5 – BACK to return to the previous menu.
- Config: selection of 10 wiring (50/60 Hz power systems)
configurations. Selection is done with F1, F2, F3 and the arrow keys.
Then press ENTER to confirm and to enter a screen showing how to
connect the Analyzer to the power system. When ready press Function
key F5 twice to return to the SETUP entry screen.
A step-by-step example on how to change the wiring configuration is
given further on in this chapter.
- Freq: adjustment of Nominal Frequency (50 Hz, 60 Hz or in Fluke
437-II also 400 Hz). Use the up/down arrow keys to select the Nominal
Frequency. Press ENTER to confirm and Function key F5 – BACK to
return to next higher menu.
- Vnom: adjustment of Nominal Voltage. Use the arrow keys to select
100 V, 120 V, 230 V, 400 V or any other voltage. Press ENTER to
confirm and Function key F5 – BACK to return to next higher menu.
- Limits: see paragraph Limits Adjustments.
- Clamp, A range, V scale: adjustment of the Analyzer to the
characteristics of current clamps and voltage leads. The default
selection is valid for the accessories as supplied with the Analyzer. The
supplied voltage leads are 1:1 types; when using attenuating leads or a
voltage transformer you must adapt the voltage scale accordingly (e.g.
10:1 for 10 times attenuation). Identically the current scale can be
adjusted when using current converters in combination with current
clamps. With the arrow keys you can customize voltage and current
readout to any desired transformation ratio. Selection of Amps and Volt
scaling is done with Function key F3 There are separate selection tables
for the Phase and Neutral: Function key F4 is used for selection.
Behind Amp clamp: you can select many Fluke clamp types. The
Analyzer’s sensitivity is adjusted automatically then. In case of clamps
with more than one sensitivity the sensitivity of the Analyzer must be
set to match with the clamp sensitivity (attainable under Sensitivity:).
Behind Amp clamp: you can also select clamp sensitivity values such as
1 V/A, 100 mV/A and others.
Sensitivity x10 increases amps sensitivity by 10 times. In this position
the signal is AC coupled which means that DC signal components are
blocked. Resolution is 10 times more with limited range.