Mains Signaling
Events Table
Switch between HOLD and RUN of screen update.
Switching from HOLD to RUN invokes a menu to select
Immediate or Timed Start and Duration of the measurement.
Cursor. When the Cursor is on, the Trend values at the Cursor are displayed in the screen
header. Moving the Cursor off the left or right side of the screen allows scrolling of the
trend on screen.
Zoom. Allows you to expand or shrink the display vertically or horizontally to view
details or to fit a complete graph within the screen area. Zoom and Cursor are operated by
the arrow keys and explained in Chapter 23.
Offset and Span of the Trends are auto ranging for a good display in most cases, but they
are adjustable. The adjustment menu is reached via the SETUP key and function key F3 –
FUNCTION PREF. See Chapter 24, FUNCTION PREFerences.
Events Table
To access the Mains Signaling events table:
The events table shows in Normal mode the events (V3s above the limit) that occurred
during the measurement. Date, time, type (phase, signal 1 or signal 2), level and duration
of each event are listed. In Detail mode additional information is given on threshold
Available function keys:
Switch between Normal and Detailed events table.
Return to next higher menu.
Access to Trend screen. Two ways to access Trend are
explained below.
Two ways to access Trend:
1. Use the up/down arrow keys to highlight an event in the table. To access Trend press
the ENTER key. The Cursor is on, in the mid of screen and located on the selected event.
2. Press Function key F5 to view the Trend part showing the most recent measuring
values. Cursor and Zoom can be switched on afterwards when required.