Fluke 434-II/435-II/437-II
Users Manual
Trend Scale: adjustment of offset and span of the trends is possible in
this menu. Manual adjustment is possible when AUTO mode is set to
OFF with Function key F4. When AUTO mode is ON offset and span
are set to such a value that a clear display is obtained in almost all
circumstances (auto scaling). Separate adjustments are provided for
Phase and Neutral: selection is done with Function key F3.
Scope Scale: adjustment of the voltage and current range of the Scope
display. Separate adjustments are provided for Phase and Neutral:
selection is done with Function key F3. Function key F4 allows return
to Default values.
A step-by-step example on how to change the scope scaling is given
further on in this chapter.
Function Preferences: adjustment of functions related to Trend display,
Harmonics, Dips & Swells, Flicker, Phasor, Power, and number of
Aggregation Cycles for Vrms/Arms. The table below gives additional
information. Use the up/down arrow keys to select an item and the
left/right arrow keys to select values/ranges for that item.