Fluke 434-II/435-II/437-II
Users Manual
For the main screen all configured voltage (Vrms half cycle) and current (Arms half
cycle) channels are recorded to allow viewing of cause and effect of deviations. Not all
channels are displayed simultaneously. The up/down arrow keys allow selection of the
set of trends to be displayed.
The screen builds up from the right side of the screen and the corresponding values are
displayed in the screen header.
Available function keys:
Up/down arrow keys are assigned to scroll Trend screen.
Access to cursor and zoom menu.
Access to Meter screen.
Access to Events tables. The number of events that occurred
is shown. For description see below.
Switch between HOLD and RUN of screen update.
Switching from HOLD to RUN invokes a menu to select
immediate (NOW) or TIMED start time which allows you
to define start and duration of the measurement.
Logging. All measuring values in Meter screen are logged. Refer to Chapter 3, paragraph
Logging of Measuring Values for more information.
Cursor. When the Cursor is on, the Trend values at the Cursor are displayed in the screen
header. Moving the Cursor off the left or right side of the screen brings the next of six
screens into the viewing area.
Zoom. Allows you to expand or shrink the display vertically or horizontally to view
details or to fit a complete graph within the screen area. Zoom and Cursor are operated by
the arrow keys and are explained in Chapter 23.
Offset and Span of the Trends are auto ranging for a good display in almost al cases. If
desired, you can change Offset and Span of active trends. Press in sequence:
the SETUP key, F4 – MANUAL SETUP, F1 – TREND SCALE. Use the up/down arrow
keys to select the item to be adjusted and the left/right arrow keys to adjust. See Chapter
24 for more information. In this chapter is also explained how to adjust to Nominal or
Sliding Reference.
Event criteria such as threshold, hysteresis and others are preset, but they may be
adjusted. The adjustment menu is reached via the SETUP key, F4 – MANUAL SETUP
and Limits setup. See Chapter 24, Limits Adjustments.