MI 2-315 1 A
Analog output parameter descriptions
Signal source
The source of the signal that controls the analog outputs via the analog
channels. (The source can be configured for each of the three analog
channels, and for each Job, independently).
Analog Channels 1 and 2, by default, provide edge position (the first on-
web edge detected and the first off-web edge detected, respectively).
Analog Channel 3, by default, provides web width measurement. (Analog
Channel 3 controls two analog outputs, which are located, one each, on
connectors X2 and X3, for accessibility in various applications).
Any signal produced by the DSE-45 can be mapped to the analog
channels, up to and including duplicating the same signal on all outputs,
if desired. The signal selections are as follows.
VS 1...VS 16 (Virtual Sensors)
Edge 1...Edge 16 (Edge Positions)
WebWidth 1…WebWidth 8 (Web Width)
The default mode maps the analog channels as follows (VS1 and VS2 are
equivalent to Edge 1 and Edge 2 while in Single Proportional Band Mode).
Analog Channel 1 = VS 1 (Virtual Sensor 1)
Analog Channel 2 = VS 2 (Virtual Sensor 2)
Analog Channel 3 = WebWidth 1 (Web Width 1)
Output type
The range of the analog outputs can be set to any of the following. (The
output range can be configured independently for each of the three
analog channels and for each job).
OFF (0 mA)
0 to 10 mA (default)
0 to 20 mA
4 to 20 mA
The polarity of each analog output, in relation to the source signal, can
be set independently for each output and for each job. The default
polarity setting for all analog outputs is positive (+).