Performing Setup from the Control Panel
Publish Direct Connection
Yes/No [Yes]
This option enables users to print (or download) jobs to the Fiery XJ without spooling.
Note that jobs printed to the Direct connection are not saved in the Printed queue.
If you plan to download fonts from any system to the Fiery XJ, you must publish the
Direct connection. If you do not want users to print to Direct, choose
Publish Print Queue
Yes/No [Yes]
This option enables users to print (or download) jobs to the Print queue. Jobs that are
printed to the Print queue are spooled to the Fiery XJ disk and printed on a first-in,
first-out basis. Only queues published in the Printer Setup are available to remote
• If you are printing to the Fiery XJ over the parallel port, you must publish a queue or
publish the Direct connection.
Parallel Connection
Print Queue/Hold Queue/Direct Connection [Print Queue]
Use this option to determine where jobs printed to the parallel port are sent. Only the
print connections that you published are displayed.
This option appears only if you selected
for the
Enable Parallel Port
option in
Network Setup.
If only one of the print connections is published, this option does not appear and
parallel port jobs are automatically printed to that connection.
Save Changes
Yes/No [Yes]
to activate any changes made in the Printer Setup; select
to return to the
main Setup menu without making any changes.