Setup menu 2-4
administrative functions 2-41
simulations see CMYK Simulation
SMB, see Windows (SMB) printing
Source Routing, Token Ring
Setup 2-14, 3-7
Spot Color Matching option 2-40, 3-21
SQE switch 1-14
Status WebTool, see Fiery WebTools
STP (shielded twisted pair) cable A-1
Subnet Mask option 2-17, 2-18, 3-9, 3-10
superuser 4-28
Supported Servers, Bindery Setup 2-29
SWOP-Coated simulation 2-40
system administrator, see administrator
System Date option 2-9, 3-3
System Time option 2-9, 3-3
adding server to network 4-20
Ethernet Setup from Control Panel 2-16
host name 5-9
http protocol 1-1
installing with Token Ring A-3
lpd protocol 1-1
nbt protocol 1-1
network diagram 1-9
on both Ethernet and Token
Ring 2-16, 3-8
protocol setup 2-16
remote Setup 3-9
setting up printing from
Windows NT 4-17 to 4-24
Setup from Control Panel 2-16
summary 2-11
Token Ring Setup from Control
Panel 2-17
with UNIX workstations 4-26
terminology, Novell 2-25, 3-12
thicknet cable 1-12, 1-14
thinnet cable 1-12, 1-14
Time option 3-3
Token Ring
attach cables to RJ-45 connector 1-13
client setup A-3
frame types 2-19
network interface card A-1
overview A-1 to A-3
Port Setup 2-13
protocols supported 1-4
remote Setup 3-9
summary of Setup 2-11
Token Ring Setup 2-12, A-3
in Port Setup 2-13
in TCP/IP Setup 2-17
transceiver 1-12
Transmission Speed (Ethernet) option 3-7
Command WorkStation connection
problems 5-11
connection to printer fails 5-9
Printer not found in the selection list of
Fiery utilities 5-11
Printer not found—TCP/IP or IPX
networks 5-9
Setup, Control Panel 5-4 to 5-8
twisted pair cable 1-12, 1-14
managing print jobs 4-29
on TCP/IP network 4-26
printcap file 5-10
printing to color server 4-29
remote printer name 5-10
setting up printing to color server 4-28
UNIX workstations
on TCP/IP network 1-9
tips for experts 4-27