removing 2-47
selecting target for 2-45
canceling Setup changes 2-8
Change Password option 2-42, 2-47
Administrator password 2-47
Bindery connection 2-31
host name or DNS name 5-9
Novell print server, Bindery 2-28, 2-31
character set used on Control Panel 2-9
allowed in remote Windows Printing
Choose File Server for editing Bindery
choosing a Bindery Server to connect 2-29
Clear Frame Types, IPX/SPX Setup 2-20
Clear Server option 2-42, 2-48
clearing the Job Log 2-43
client setup for Token Ring A-3
clients, setting up 1-2, 4-17 to 4-23
CMYK printing by default 2-38
CMYK Simulation
Custom 2-41
described xiii
DIC 2-41
Euroscale 2-41
Full 2-41
Quick 2-41
SWOP-Coated 2-41
Color and Paper Setup tab 3-18
color mode 3-19
Color Mode option 2-38
color server
back view showing connectors 1-13
back view with Token Ring option
Control Panel 2-2
Direct connection 2-34
display window 2-3
maintaining and improving
network installation summary 1-3
parallel connector 1-13
power switch 1-13
printer interface connector 1-13
Setup, see Setup
Color Setup 2-2, 2-40 to 2-42
Compression option 2-38, 3-19
Configuration page 5-11
printing from Control Panel 2-48
configuring color server 2-1 to 2-48
preparing for 1-11
remotely 3-1 to 3-20
configuring network clients
configuring network servers
NetWare 4-2, 4-4 to 4-15
Windows NT 4-19
connected Novell servers, Bindery 2-31
copier interface cable 1-11
network cable 1-12 to 1-14
parallel cable 1-15
to a Bindery file server 2-29, 2-30
to multiple Bindery file servers 2-28
to multiple Bindery servers 2-29
Token Ring cable A-2
connections published 2-34
control levels xviii
accessing calibration 2-42
accessing Setup 2-3 to 2-5
Change Password option 2-42
Clear Server option 2-42
help map, see Control Panel Map
illustrated 2-3