With the HD940
on the ORIGINAL Felston remote control
After approximately 10 seconds,
flash alternately. Release the
While the A and B LEDs are flashing
on your LEARNING remote control.
The HD940 will
remote control's
From now on you will be able to control the HD940 fro
learning remote control.
remote control will no longer
If you want to change the remote control code of the HD940
back to the Felston
to a different learning remote control, follow these steps:
Connect power to only the HD940 for which
change its remote control identity.
With the HD940
on the remote control that currently controls the HD940
(you can also use
After approximately 10 seconds,
flash alternately. Release the
While the A and B LEDs are flashing, press the
on the remote control you want to use instead
The HD940 will
manufacturer's code
NOTE: Performing a Factory Reset (see
HD940 to control of the original Felston remote control handset.
With the HD940 active (not in Standby), press and hold
on the ORIGINAL Felston remote control.
approximately 10 seconds, Input LEDs A and B will
flash alternately. Release the
While the A and B LEDs are flashing, press the
on your LEARNING remote control.
The HD940 will go into standby, indicating your learning
remote control's manufacturer's code has been learned.
From now on you will be able to control the HD940 fro
learning remote control. Pressing buttons on the original Felston
no longer have any effect on this HD940.
change the remote control code of the HD940
Felston original handset, or if you want to change it
to a different learning remote control, follow these steps:
Connect power to only the HD940 for which you want to
change its remote control identity.
With the HD940 active (not in Standby), press and hold
te control that currently controls the HD940
(you can also use the original Felston remote control
approximately 10 seconds, Input LEDs A and B will
flash alternately. Release the
While the A and B LEDs are flashing, press the
the remote control you want to use instead.
The HD940 will go into standby, indicating
manufacturer's code of the new remote control
NOTE: Performing a Factory Reset (see page 41) will return the
HD940 to control of the original Felston remote control handset.
press and hold
Input LEDs A and B will
, press the
go into standby, indicating your learning
manufacturer's code has been learned.
From now on you will be able to control the HD940 from your
he original Felston
on this HD940.
change the remote control code of the HD940
handset, or if you want to change it
to a different learning remote control, follow these steps:
you want to
press and hold
te control that currently controls the HD940
remote control.)
Input LEDs A and B will
While the A and B LEDs are flashing, press the
go into standby, indicating the
of the new remote control has been
) will return the
HD940 to control of the original Felston remote control handset.