Exiting Cascade Mode
To take a HD940 out of Cascade Mode, follow these steps:
Disconnect power from all HD940's
Connect power to the HD940 you wish to leave Cascade
Mode (you can do this to more than one HD940 at the
same time)
Press and keep held down the
After 30 seconds approximately, notice input LEDs
on the HD940
HD940 is out of Cascade Mode
Release the button
xiting Cascade Mode
take a HD940 out of Cascade Mode, follow these steps:
Disconnect power from all HD940's
Connect power to the HD940 you wish to leave Cascade
Mode (you can do this to more than one HD940 at the
Press and keep held down the
(zero) button
After 30 seconds approximately, notice input LEDs
on the HD940 will flash 11 times. This indicates
HD940 is out of Cascade Mode
Release the button
take a HD940 out of Cascade Mode, follow these steps:
Connect power to the HD940 you wish to leave Cascade
Mode (you can do this to more than one HD940 at the
(zero) button
After 30 seconds approximately, notice input LEDs C and D
. This indicates the