© Copyright 2018 Fluid Equipment Development Company | www.fedco-usa.com
Installation Procedures Continued
All pump and safety precautions must be followed
to prevent physical injury to the operator. It is illegal
to operate the equipment in an EU member state if
the manual(s) is not written in that states language.
Contact FEDCO if a translated copy is needed.
A pump is a pressure-generating device with rotating
parts that can be hazardous. Any device containing
generated pressure can rupture, explode or dis-
charge its contents if it is over-pressurized and may
possibly result in personal injury, property damage,
environmental damage and death. All necessary
precautions must be exercised to insure over-pres
surization does not occur. FEDCO will not accept
responsibility for physical injury, damage or delays
caused by a failure to observe the instructions in this
Installation, operation or maintenance of the pump
unit in any manner which is not covered in this
manual could cause damage to the equipment, seri-
ous injury or death. This includes any modification
to the equipment or the use of parts not provided by
FEDCO. If there is a question regarding the intend-
ed use of the equipment, please contact a FEDCO
representative before proceeding.
This manual clearly identifies accepted methods for
safe disassembly and assembly. These methods
must be strictly adhered to.
Do not use the pump equipment for a different appli
cation than originally specified without the approval
of a FEDCO representative.
NEVER operate the pump equipment:
● below the minimum flow rate.
● when dry.
● without priming.
● without proper guards and safety devices installed.
● with the discharge valve closed.
● with the suction valve closed.
FEDCO pumps are intended to pump saltwater
and brine to membranes for the reverse osmo
sis desalination process. FEDCO pumps are not
intended to pump flammable or hazardous liquids.
Solutions intended for human consumption need
proper purification per product. FEDCO approval
will be needed to control slurry and particle size
for this specific product
Always follow the Lock-out / Tag-out procedure
developed by your company before starting any
maintenance or repair.
Figure 5 - Typical Lock-Out Tag-Out Tag
User Health and Safety
Safety equipment and PPE (Personal Protection
Equipment) should be used in accordance with
company regulations.
In the Work Area
Always keep the work area clean and dry.
Avoid all electrical dangers. Be aware of risks
from electric shock or arc flash hazards.
Utilize adequate lifting equipment and
Electrical Connections and Regulations
Refer to the motor nameplate for specific
electrical operating information.
Electrical connections must be made by
certified electricians in compliance with
all international, national, state, and local
regulations and codes.
Insure the product is isolated from the power
supply and cannot be accidentally energized.
Make sure all thermal contacts are connected
to a protection circuit according to product
All electrical equipment must be properly
During installation, service and repair, the
companies Lock out / Tag out Procedure must
be followed.