3.4.1 Setting function codes
-- Menu #1 "Data Setting" --
Menu #1 "Data Setting" in Programming mode allows you to set function codes for making the inverter functions
match your needs.
Table 3.6 lists the function codes available on the FRENIC-Lift.
Table 3.6 Function Codes Available on FRENIC-Lift
Function Code Group
F code
(Fundamental functions)
Functions concerning basic motor running
E code
(Extension terminal
Functions concerning the assignment to control circuit terminals
Terminal functions
Functions concerning the display of the LED monitor
C code
(Control functions)
Control functions
Functions associated with speed settings
P code
(Motor parameters)
Functions for setting up characteristics parameters (such as
capacity) of the motor
Motor parameters
H code
(High performance
Highly added-value functions; Functions for sophisticated control
y code
(Link functions)
Link functions
Functions for controlling communication
L code
(Lift functions)
Lift functions
Functions for controlling elevators (lifts)
Function codes requiring simultaneous keying
To modify the data for function code F00 (Data Protection), H03 (Data Initialization), H97 (Clear Alarm Data), or
H99 (Password Protection), simultaneous keying is needed, involving the
keys or the
Changing, validating, and saving function code data when the invert is running
Some function codes can be changed while the inverter is running, whereas others cannot. Further, depending
on the function code, modifications may or may not become effective immediately. For details, refer to the
"Change when running" column in Section 5.1 "Function Code Tables" in the FRENIC-Lift Instruction Manual
For details of function codes, refer to the FRENIC-Lift Reference Manual (INR-SI47-1068-E).
Figure 3.9 shows the LCD screen transition for "1. DATA SET."
Menu screen
Screen for modifying
function code data
Function code list screen
Figure 3.9 Screen Transition to "1. DATA SET"