• Filtered Input Data Generation
Filtered Input Data is the average of the data values saved in the Filter Butter.
Filtered Input Data =
Sum of Filter Buffer Data
Filter Buffer Length (n)
If Filter Buffer Length (n) is 0 or 1, Filtered Input Data is the same as the most recently saved input data so the
Filter function does not work.
Setting ADC Offset
The ADC Offset function is set by Object 220x:04h.
The deviation of voltage and current input data, which is caused by installing or device conditions, can be
corrected by setting the ADC Offset.
You can set the ADC Offset for the voltage or current input for each channel. The converted data of input signals
is adjusted as much as the ADC Offset value.
* When using the ADC Offset, it is indicated as Analog Data – Offset.
* Change in ADC Offset value is applied immediately.