Revision date: 09.25.18
ASSEMBLE MAIN FRAME: Assemble Frame—continued
Assembly Instructions
10. Continue adding outer frame tubes, support arms,
and 113157 tray supports—Steps 4-9—until main
frame is assembled.
Be sure to mark each set of 113157
tray supports before removal so you can reinstall
on same level in the same locations.
Also, skip one level to allow access to inside
the frame to anchor it to the wall once frame is
leveled. See dashed line and note below.
11. Verify that all Tek screws are installed to secure
fittings to the frame tubes.
12. Level frame and anchor it to the wall as shown in
the next procedure.
The dashed line shows where the last outer tube will be installed
once the frame is anchored to the wall. Installing this tube last
allows access to the wall mount tubes from inside the frame.