This machine is a warm air generator which operates with solid fuel.
The framework is made up of a square profiled steel chassis and panels in galvanized polished steel.
On the chassis’ lower part are located the vents for the air to be heated, which push the air inside the heat
exchanger. The air is then expelled by exhaustion vents on the upper part of the machine.
The combustion chamber is chrome INOX steel, reinforced with ribs, and it is placed above the vents.
Inside, the furnace is separated from the cinerary by a steel grid.
The loading doors on the back of the machine are steel and internally coated in refractory materials. On the
lower door you will find the shutter for regulating the combustion chamber’s power.
The upper door, with a handle, is used to load fuel in the machine.
The fumes’ exhaust pipe in the combustion chamber is linked to the heat exchanger above it.
The heat exchanger is made up of a series of pipes that run down the back and are linked to the draft mechanism,
which is in turn operated by an external engine (except in the F85SV model).
On the control panel you will find the switches to start up the draft engine and the air heating vents.
Summary of laws and harmonized and technical rules
Directive CEE 98-37 (Directive regarding Machines).
EN 292/1
Machine safety – fundamentals, general design principles – terminology, basic methodolo-
EN 292/2
Machine safety – fundamentals, general design principles – technical specifications and
EN 294
Machine safety – safety distance to avoid upper arms to make contact with dangerous parts
- 1992.