MKP 3000 Remote Control Panel • HTML Operation
MKP 3000 Remote Control Panel • HTML Operation
HTML Operation, cont’d
Adding a directory
To add a directory or folder to the MKP’s file system, follow
these steps:
Enter the directory name in the Dir: field, following the
slash (/).
Click the Add Dir button.
With the directory name displayed, perform the
Uploading files procedure described in the previous
section to add a file to the directory. The directory name
appears at the top of the Files column, preceded by a slash.
To add more files to the directory, click the directory name to
open it, then use the uploading files procedure. To exit the
directory, click (root).
Other file management activities
You can also perform the following tasks on the File
Management screen:
Opening a file
— Click on the name of the file in the Files
Deleting a file
— Click the Delete button at the right end of the
line that contains the name of the file you want to remove.
Deleting all files
— Click the Delete All button.
Selecting a file
— From the Select menu, select a file name, or
select All to select all uploaded files.
Saving and Restoring a Configuration
The MKP 3000 lets you save some of its current settings,
including preset names and video/audio input and output
names, to a configuration file (.cfg extension) on your computer.
You can subsequently restore this file to your MKP if some of its
settings were changed, or you can upload it to other MKPs.
Saving a configuration
Follow these steps to save the current MKP settings as a
configuration file:
On the Configuration tab, System Settings page, click Save
Configuration to File.
The configuration file (box.cfg) is created and placed in the
directory on the MKP. This file overwrites
any box.cfg file that was already in that directory.
Using the File Management Page
The File Management page (figure 5-11) lets you upload files to
the MKP 3000 from your computer or network, and to delete
files from the unit. You can also upload personalized Web pages
or event files to the MKP via this screen. To display the File
Management page, select the File Management tab.
If you want one of the pages that you create and upload
to be the default startup page, name that file
Figure 5-11 — File Management page
Files listed in figure 5-11 are shown as examples only
and may not appear on your MKP 3000.
Uploading files
Files to be uploaded to the MKP 2000 must contain only valid
alphanumeric characters and underscores. No spaces or special
characters (symbols) are allowed.
Using any of the following characters results in an invalid
name: {space}
+ ~ @ = [ ] { } < > ’ “ ; : | \
To upload files from the server, follow these steps:
Click the Browse button to the right of the file name field.
Browse to locate the file that you want to upload, and
open it. The file’s name and directory path are displayed
in the file name field on the File Management screen.
Click the Upload File button. The selected file name
appears in the Files column on the File Management
screen. (Files are listed separately under headings of their
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