MKP 3000 Remote Control Panel • HTML Operation
MKP 3000 Remote Control Panel • HTML Operation
HTML Operation, cont’d
Port (RS-232) Settings page
The Port Settings page (figure 5-4) allows you to configure the
MKP’s two RS-232 ports (Host and Switch). To access the Port
Settings page, click the Port Settings link on the left sidebar
menu on the Configuration tab.
Figure 5-4 — Port Settings page
The Serial Port 1 radio button selects the Host RS-232 port and
the Serial Port 2 radio button selects the Switch RS-232 port. To
configure one of these ports, do the following:
Select Serial Port radio button 1 or 2.
Make selections from the drop boxes as desired to
configure the selected port.
The Extron default settings for RS-232 ports are:
• Baud rate:
• Data bits:
• Parity:
• Stop bits:
• Flow control:
Click Submit to confirm your settings. (To reject the
changes and restore the previous settings, click Cancel.)
Date/Time Settings fields
The Date/Time Settings fields enable you to view and set the
time functions. After making all desired changes to the fields in
this section, click the Submit button at the bottom of the section
to implement your changes. Click Cancel if you want to reject
all your changes and restore the previous settings.
Change the date and time settings as follows:
In the desired Date/Time Settings field, click on the drop
box for the variable that you want to change. The
adjustable variables are month, day, year, hours, minutes,
AM/PM, and (time) zone. A drop-down scroll box
Click and drag the slider, or click the scroll up or scroll
down button, until the desired variable is visible.
Click on the desired variable.
If you are setting the time, set the local time. The Zone
variable allows you to then enter the offset from
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The Zone field identifies the selected standard time zone
and displays the amount of time, in hours and minutes,
that the local time varies from the GMT international
time reference.
Repeat steps
for other date/time parameters
that you want to change.
Select the appropriate Daylight Saving radio button. To
turn off daylight savings time, select Off.
When daylight savings time is enabled, the MKP
updates its internal clock between Standard Time and
Daylight Savings Time, on the dates that the time
change occurs in the United States of America and parts
of Europe and Brazil. When daylight savings time is
turned off, the MKP does not adjust its time reference.
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