the Status Light
The status lights, located in the window-mount antenna, provide a visual indication
of the system’s status.
SEcuRity SyStEm StatuS (must be enabled by installer)
The alarm is disarmed and not performing any automatic functions.
The alarm is in valet mode.
FLaShinG SLOw:
The alarm is armed and monitoring all entry points.
FLaShinG FaSt:
One of the automatic arming features is in progress.
autOmatic tRanSmittER VERiFicatiOn
Every time you turn on the ignition key, the status light will flash a number of times
equal to the number of transmitters programmed to the system. This unique security
feature combats potential thieves (valet attendant, mechanic, etc.) from adding their
own transmitter without your knowledge and accessing your vehicle at a later time.
aLaRm ZOnE ViOLatiOn REcaLL
If the security system is triggered, upon disarming, the status lights will flash
a number of times to indicate exactly which zones, have been violated. It will
store the last 2 violated circuits and continually repeat the flash pattern until the
vehicle’s ignition key is turned ON.
2 FLaShES:
Hood trigger
3 FLaShES:
Door trigger
4 FLaShES:
Sensor port trigger
REmOtE StaRt StatuS
FLaShinG SLOw:
The engine was remote started successfully and is running.
FLaShinG FaSt:
The remote start sequence has begun
2 FLaShES, PauSE:
The engine is running while the alarm is armed.
REmOtE StaRt DiaGnOSticS
The remote start system can also indicate which zone caused the last remote start
cycle to end. To see this indicator, place the system into valet mode. Immediately after
the chirp, the status light will flash to indicate which zone violation occured.
If your controller isn’t usable and your alarm is armed, you’ll need to perform an emergency
override to disarm the system and use your vehicle. To do so, use the following steps:
StEP 1 -
Enter the vehicle (the alarm should sound)
StEP 2 -
Turn the ignition key to the “ON” position (do not crank the engine).
StEP 3 -
Press the valet switch (located in the window-mount antenna) once.
StEP 4 -
Turn the ignition “OFF”.
Valet mode disables all security & remote start functions. To enter Valet Mode:
StEP 1 -
Disarm the system by remote or by performing an emergency override.
StEP 2 -
Press and hold the valet switch for 2 seconds. The system will chirp once
and the status light will turn on.
EXitinG VaLEt mODE
- Press and release the valet switch once. The status light will turn off.
using the Valet Switch