27891EN-900-02 / Edition 02/2017
Scraper system ................................... 43
Service questions ................................. 6
Setting dial for scraper force ........ 37, 77
Setup site ............................................ 58
Sheet with safety instructions............. 46
Shutting down ................................... 136
Silicon carbide .............................. 44, 47
Solvent dispenser ............................... 50
Spare and wear parts ....................... 138
Spatula .............................................. 122
Splash guard ................................. 49, 94
Splash guards for inner side paneling 95
Splash guards for working width
200 mm ........................................... 94
Splash tray .................................... 28, 45
Start button ......................................... 37
Start button reversing mode ............... 37
Status messages .............................. 101
Steel, hard chrome plated .................. 47
Steel, tungsten carbide coated .......... 47
Stop button ......................................... 37
Temperature control ........................... 68
Temperature control of the rollers ... 113
Temperature control unit .................... 68
Temperature sensor ........................... 40
Tempering fluid ................................... 36
TILT sensor .................................. 51, 52
Toolbar .............................................. 101
Top for shoulder guide ....................... 88
Tungsten carbide coated steel .......... 44
Upper display field ............................ 101
USB interface ................................... 100
Warranty conditions ......................... 148
Working width ............................... 85, 92