The acceleration of your Evolve Skateboard may be faster than anticipated
and may feel unusual at first. Before your first ride, you should use the
Speed Mode and become familiar with the operation of your board
by practicing starting and stopping, cornering and navigating obstacles in
a safe environment away from other bicycles, pedestrians and/or vehicles.
You should also pay particular attention to terrain conditions as you may
approach obstacles faster than you expect.
Your Evolve Skateboard is controlled by a combination of your inputs to the
board and remote. Turning and stability is dependent on the rider.
To turn the board, you must lean in the direction you wish to turn. To keep
stable, it is recommended to stay relaxed, so that your body can absorb
bumps and movements created by the terrain or remote input.
Move your weight toward your front foot while accelerating and
towards your rear foot while braking.
ONLY make small inputs to the trigger controls to avoid being
thrown from your board. Start learning to ride by trying to move as
slowly as possible within each Speed Mode. Use both the brakes
and accelerator triggers to control your speed.
SPORT and CORSA modes are very powerful and the trigger is
highly sensitive.
Your Evolve Skateboard comes with the Speed Limiter set at 20kph (12mph).
It is highly recommend starting in
and not increasing the Speed
Limiter setting when learning to ride your board and to use the remote.
Slowly progress through the speed modes depending on your riding ability
and experience.