Anhang A. Glossary
This section explains the key terms for successful use of the eurogard ServiceRouterV3.
All explanations are deliberately kept short, focus on the essentials and are by no means exhaustive. Wikipedia
is recommended for those who want to delve deeper into the material. The articles on the relevant topics are all
well-founded and very comprehensive.
A certificate is a kind of digital identity card that can be used to authenticate
oneself to one's counterpart. According to x509 standard, this includes eg the
owner's name, name of the issuer, validity and checksum of keys, etc.
The certificate is used by OpenVPN and also to secure the web interface.
Since these certificates are issued by the user himself/herself and are unknown
to the browser, a warning message is displayed when you call up the web
interface. This can (must) be ignored.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a network protocol that
transmits network settings to requesting computers from a DHCP server. The-
se can be IP, DNS servers, etc.
Our ServiceRouterV3 is DHCP client when it gets its network settings for
the WAN side and DHCP server when it transmits network parameters to
requesting clients on the LAN side.
A system that uses DNS (Domain Name System) servers to determine the IP
address 'behind' a host and domain name. This will happen with every use of
this type of name, as for example the URL input in the browser, email, NTP..
Therefore the ServiceRouterV3 has to recognise a DNS server.
Domain names serve to identify Internet resources, such as computers, net-
works, and services, with a text-based label that is easier to memorize than
the numerical addresses used in the Internet protocols. The domain name is
appended to the host name, separated by a full stop.
Host name
The host name is the network name of a network device. The Domain Name
System (DNS) was introduced since IPs are difficult to remember for users.
It allows network components to be addressed using more understandable
names, the host names.
HTTPS differs from HTTP by the "s" which stands for secure.
The transmission of the website and all form data such as passwords is encryp-
The webserver displays its certificate to the browser so that you can be sure
that the web server on the other side is the one you think it is.
An IP address, or IP for short, is a unique identifier of a subscriber in an
(IPbased) network. It consists of 4 numbers separated by a dot between 0 and
255, eg
An IP consists of a network and a host part. Therefore, the hosts
and are members of the network; so the network
part is, the host part is 1, resp. 2.