Configuration options
of the ServiceRouterV3
Default: 9125
This corresponds to 25 years.
7.3. Generate server certificates
Before generating certificates, ensure that the device has the correct current time and that the host and
the domain names correspond with the ones for future operation.
The server certificates consist of a root certificate for issuing further certificates and a server certificate used by
applications such as OpenVPN or the webserver software. The server certificate is the digital passport of the
server. If these certificates are re-generated, all other certificates including the ones of the VPN subscribers lose
their validity.
If the web interface of the device is accessed via HTTPS, for example https://servicerouter.example.com, the
browser compares the address called up to the one in the server certificate. In order to avoid error messages
with regards the certificate, host names and domain names should already be configured accordingly in the menu
Router Configuration
Basic settings/LAN.
In case these options are selected, this also applies to the WAN and LAN IP.
If there are clients 'in action' while re-generating the server certificates, these clients will no longer be
able to connect unless new certificates are loaded to the clients or the old server certificates are restored.
Press the button generate in order to generate new server certificates. Since random values are created here, the
length of this process may vary on occasion. The new certificates are available after a few minutes.
If the certificates are created in the during VPN processes, these processes are terminated. Go to the configuration
site Router configuration
OpenVPN in order to re-activate VPN functionality.
7.4. Import root certificates
In order to avoid browser alarm messages regarding the certificate, the root certificate can be imported via the
browser. In order to do so, click the button import.
From this point on there will be no further warning messages when accessing the web interface.
The next paragraph describes importing and deleting of the root certificate using Internet Explorer 10.
7.4.1. Internet Explorer 10 Import root certificate
Click import, the following dialog box is opened at the bottom of the screen:
The certificate window is displayed and the certificate can be installed on the PC by clicking the button Zertifikat