Configuration options
of the ServiceRouterV3
2.2. Domain name
Computers are grouped into administrative units via domains.
For domain names, the same rules apply as for host names, additionally however, the full stop "." may be used
which helps with regards the structure.
Please enter the complete domain of which your server is part of at this point. Also the domain name is included
in the certificates and helps to locate the device in the network
Beispiel 4.1. Host and Domain name
Assuming you have registered with DynDNS.com under the name mein-server.dyndns.org, mein-server is host
name and dyndns.org is domain name.
Default: example.com
Client Mode
If the Router is to be operated in VPN client mode, default values may be used as host and domain name,
since certificates do not have to be generated.
2.3. IP address of the Router in the LAN network
IP addresses are a clear identification of computers and networks. Please make sure not to double assign them.
IP addresses consist of a network and a host part. Any network the ServiceRouterV3 may have to access also has
to be explicitly specified.
2.4. Netmask
Enter the netmask for the LAN interface at this point.
2.5. DHCP Server for the LAN
Network settings can be dynamically assigned to network subscribers by means of DHCP.
Default: enabled
2.6. DHCP Pool
The pool of available IPs can be configured. This means an address range can be created from which subscribers
can use fixed IPs without the danger of overlapping with addresses assigned dynamically via DHCP.
Please note that the VPN software also assigns addresses to the clients via DHCP. There must be no overlapping
of the settings specified at this point and the DHCP pool for the admin network under OpenVPN. For further
information please see Abschnitt 8.3.1, „DHCP range for VPN clients“.
2.7. HTTPS port of the web interface
In this field, the port can be entered where the integrated webserver software receives SSL-encrypted connections.
The ServiceRouterV3 issues its configuration websites via this software. Since these pages, depending on the
configuration, are also available via the Internet, this is carried out with SSL-encryption. The relevant protocol
is HTTPS instead of HTTP.