Configuration options
of the ServiceRouterV3
Since the eurogard ServiceRouterV3 und ServiceServer mask all data via NAT prior to the forwarding to the WAN
interface via NAT and since the devices, in some cases, are operated behind NAT Gateways, packets will exceed
the maximum size. It therefore has to be limited.
If the value chosen is too low, it will affect the throughput, if chosen too high, the connection will 'freeze'. The
best compromise between throughput and general accessibility results in the following
Default: 1400
8.3.6. Activate mobile access
This option determines if the TUN access to the VPN server is activated. Via the TUN interface, a secure VPN
connection may also be set up by mobile devices with IOS or Android operating systems, without having to be
rooted. The port of this TUN-VPN process is always the one entered under Abschnitt 8.3.3, „Port“ + 1. In this
case, for example UDP 1194 + 1 = 1195.
Default: off
8.3.7. Enable log file
This determines if the OpenVPN processes keep a log file. Depending on the level of detail, log-ins, log-offs and
log-in attempts are logged, and the negotiated connection parameters are displayed.
The log files can be downloaded under Status-Logs
Default: on
8.3.8. Log verbosity
The higher the level, the more detailed the logs. Level 1 logs every connection set-up and close down. Level 2
displays additional information regarding certificates in use and encryption and HMAC algorithms.
The highest level 5 logs every packet sent with a ‘w’ and every packet received with an ‘r’.
Default: 1
8.3.9. Maximum log size
In this box, the maximum size for the log file of each VPN process is determined. If this value is exceeded, the
log is saved and a new empty one is created.
Default: 512 kilobyte
8.3.10. Time interval for keep-alive pakets in seconds
Since the VPN software uses the connectionless UDP protocol for the transmission of data, neither the server nor
the participant is able to directly determine if the VPN tunnel is still established. For this reason, test datagrams
are sent at defined intervals.
These intervals may be configured at this point. After n missing replies (to be configured in the next step), the
connection is reset.
This option is also transmitted and applied to the clients on their log in. This is of particular importance if the
server is connected to the Internet via a dynamic IP.
The display of the connected VPN clients also uses this value. If a ServiceRouter is disconnected from the power
supply, its status remains displayed as connected until the timeout to the next ping has run out.
Default: 60 seconds