The chart 'Device configuration' displays all of the logger’s parameterized connections to devices. A maximum of
5 connections can be set up and activated at the same time. For new entries, press Add device. Enter all required
data into the input screen.
The following communication drivers are available:
• ISO-on-TCP for S7 compatible controls (eg S7-300/S7-400) (Rack = 0, Slot = 2)
• IBH Link-Adapter at S7 compatible controls (eg S7-300/S7-400) (Rack = 0, Slot = 2)
• Modbus-on-TCP (Slave-ID of Modbus-RTU-Slave can be parameterized)
Press the button test in order to test the connection. This test checks the device’s reachability and its compatibility
to the configured protocol. The results of the test are shown in a message screen.
The log cycle of a connection may be set between 1-999 seconds.
A configured connection can be activated or deactivated during run-time.
2.2. Changing a connection
Configured connections may be changed if, for example, the IP or the log cycle changes. Use the button change
in order to do so. The input screen for the new parameters appears.