6. USB-Tunnel
The Router has an USB port for connection of external devices such as programming interfaces, webcams or
memory sticks. Via a USB tunnel, these devices may also be used for remote service.
The USB tunnel is activated via the drop-down menu. All USB devices connected are now automatically confi-
gured for tunneling.
All USB devices connected on a client PC connected via VPN may be used by means of the licensed software
USB-Redirector. Devices are handled as if they were directly connected to a USB port of the PC. The use of USB
hubs is supported as well, so that more than two devices may be connected. They should, however, have a seperate
external power supply since the Router only provides a limited supply of voltage per USB port. For this reason,
external hard disks withouth independent power supply should not be connected via USB.
The USB-Redirector software may be ordered directly from eurogard GmbH.