Configuration options
of the ServiceRouterV3
12.1. Port 22 - ssh
If Abschnitt 2.1, „Maintenance access“ is activated, it can be reached via the LAN and the WAN interface. With
this button, reachability of the service port via the WAN port can be prevented.
Default: allow, if the service access was previously activated
12.2. Port 443 - https
If you do not wish the web interface of the server to be accessed from the WAN side, this option can be blocked
with this button.
If reachability of the HTTPS protocol has been directed to a different port from port 443, the chosen port is opened
or closed at this point.
Default: allow
12.3. Allow LAN devices access to WAN
Access of LAN devices to the Internet may be blocked here.
Default: allow
12.4. Parameterized firewall rules incoming connections
In this section you have the possibility to define further firewall rules for incoming connections. Click the button
new rule.
A window opens where you can create a rule using protocol, source and target IP.