It is therefore the user’s responsibility to verify that the log cycle is adhered to. If this is not the case,
malfunctions at the Router may occur.
In order to create a new measured value, the corresponding input fields are filled with values under add datapoint.
The read values can be scaled using minimum and maximum values. E stands for input value and A for output
value. For example, if you want to divide the read value by a factor of 10, enter the following values: Scale. E min
= 0, scal. E max = 10, scal. A min = 0, scal. A max = 1 The underlying formula is as follows:
The driver supports the following types of data:
• Integer (2Byte)
• Real (4Byte)
• Word (2Byte)
Internally, values are saved as floating points, in order to facilitate handling during evaluation.
Press test in order to test a connection. The read-out value is displayed in a message window in floating point
format. This also allows the user to check that the data format has been set correctly. As soon as the button add is
pressed, the configuration of the measured value is completed and the logging process for this value is initiated.
Analog values are configured as described above. All configured values are displayed in a chart. For processing
reasons, configured values cannot be changed. In case changes are required, the value has to be removed by
pressing the delete button and then has to be reconfigured. Press the button test in order to check the actual values
of all configured data.
Due to the database structure, it is not possible to change values, you can only delete or create new values.
2.3.2. Analog values in Modbus devices
The logger is able to read out and store analog values from the holding ans input registers of a Modbus device.
In this case, the offset is dependent on the type of device. If, for example the register of a PLC is to be read from
40000 or 40001, the offset 0 has to be entered. The logger can administer up to 100 analog measured values per
There is no verification if the selected log cycle with the configured values is adhered to. This depends
on a multitude of factors, such as the connection quality or the distribution of data over the register area.
It is therefore the user’s responsibility to verify that the log cycle is adhered to. If this is not the case,
malfunctions at the Router may occur.