Backup Maintenance
The device restarts and the configuration is initiated.
After a subsequent restart the device can be reached via IP
. The WAN side is configured for
address allocation via DHCP.
1.3. Configuration
The generation of human-readable configuration files is possible. The 'routerconfig.cfg' file can then be downloa-
ded and customized. This makes it possible to configure new devices faster and easier, eg via USB stick.
The file can be selected, uploaded and installed via Install configuration. If the configuration includes a VPN
client configuration, you will be prompted to upload this file in a second step. The device then restarts with the
newly set parameters and shows under which LAN-IP the device will be accessible after restart.
It is also possible to configure the system via a USB stick. This requires the use of a USB stick formatted with a
FAT16 or FAT32 file system. The file routerconfig.cfg must be located in the root directory of the stick. In addition,
the valid OpenVPN client certificate in the form of a vpn.tar file is required. In order to prevent unauthorized
access, a file called 'auth' has to be created which includes a valid username/password combination for router
access. The first line must contain the user name and the second line the password in plain text. The file 'log.txt'
which is saved to the stick during each configuration process, must NOT be included, otherwise the Router will
acknowledge the attempt with an error. If you plug the USB stick into the Router, the configuration procedure will
start. As soon as the stick is detected, the error LED starts to pulsate. If a VPN configuration is included, the status
LED also flashes. If an error occurs during the procedure, this is indicated by very fast pulsing of the error LED.
Please read out the log.txt file on the stick to identify the problem. If the configuration is accepted, the LEDs go
out and the Router restarts. You can then remove the stick.
1.4. Firmware-Update
The device can carry out a firmware update via a special file. It is downward compatible regarding new and
extended functionality. Select the update file and press save.
Select the update file and press save.
2. Service
The buttons shut down and restart are self-explanatory, the function is triggered immediately after clicking the