3. GPS Support
Getting the GPS running is usually the biggest obstacle when using programs like
Especially with older devices finding the correct settings is sometimes a challenge.
The following two types of connecting to the GPS are supported:
Windows managed GPS („Intermediate GPS“):
if possible, this should be preferred
it is not required to find out any further parameters (like COM port)
only possible with Windows Mobile 5 or greater and only on some PDAs
serial connection using a COM port
it is necessary to find out which COM port to use and at what baud rate
the settings are either found automatically using the „scan COM ports“
function or you have to search the web or other sources for the correct
for external (Bluetooth) GPS devices this is the common type
3.1.GPS Configuration
The GPS configuration can be accessed from the main menu choosing Configuration > GPS
Ideal configuration:
managed by Windows Mobile
(selecting a COM port not required)
Smoothing Buffer:
originally GPS devices provide very
speed information
(especially when the speed is
low). Therefore, the original speed coming from the GPS
device is thrown away and instead calculated using a
complex adaptive algorithm. When you move at a constant
speed for a long time (e.g. Marathon) it is recommended to
use a big smoothing buffer (e.g. 60 seconds). When your
movement is dynamic or at high speed (e.g. Rallye) you
should use a small smoothing buffer (e.g. 20 seconds).
Accordingly it is possible to smooth the GPS
Maximum accepted GPS Dilution:
by this setting you can
influence the quality of your track recording. If the GPS
dilution of precision (DOP) value is greater then the
configured maximum dilution, the GPS position data is
skipped. The smaller the DOP value, the better the GPS
Speed – use original values from GPS:
if activated, the
(smoothed) speed values from the GPS device are used. If