6.2.Live Tracking
Live Tracking enables you to send your geographic position to the
Community Server or to other web sites.
Run.GPS Trainer UV 2.1.0
Live Tracking also retrieves all
friends' geographical coordinates and displays them in the map.
You can edit your Friends List on the GPS-Sport.net portal.
: Using Live Tracking, your geographic position
becomes visible for everyone. There is no way to hide it. Also see
chapter “Safety Aspects”.
A connection to the Internet on your PDA (GPRS,
UMTS, WLAN or some other service)
Valid GPS signal
You need to be signed up with the GPS-Sport.net
portal web site (this service is free) and you entered
your user name and password in the
settings dialog
In order to test the live tracking function, choose “Live
Tracking” from the main menu and press the “Test” button:
Now a window will pop up which should look about like this:
: normally Live Tracking is reset (turned off) when you restart the application. If you want
to override this behaviour and want to have Live Tracking always active, check “Save setting
for next app start”. Remember if you have Live Tracking active, your position will be
accessible by everybody.